
Chatmosa Real-time podcasting.


CoFounder of Chatmosa.

Chatmosa is a revolutionary social audio platform designed to transform business engagement.

Think of Chatmosa as an interactive podcast, that helps businesses reach more users,  promote discovery of their products & services,  and influence buy ins.

We've observed the power of social audio in driving consumer decisions in areas like tech, entertainment, and more. However, existing platforms fall short in several key areas: limited reach, inconsistent quality, and lack of robust revenue models. They confine users to their ecosystems and often lack cross-device functionality. Moreover, their focus on consumer use leaves businesses underserved.

Chatmosa is here to change that. We aim to be a companion tool for companies, eliminating the need to produce multiple versions of the same content for different platforms. Say goodbye to Zoom fatigue—no more worrying about your on-camera appearance or background.

With Chatmosa, businesses can leverage social audio technology to enhance their marketing, sales, advertising, research, distribution, and operational engagement.

Join us in empowering your business with the future of audio!"
